Prof. Ohka Laboratory
ƒz[ƒ€ Info and Schedule Lecture Info. Publications Lab. Environment Facilities Thesis Theme Main Theme Research Background Lab. Members



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DateF@2021/10/13 15:18:19

Research policy and interest

In our laboratory, "Tactile sensing" is the keyword which encompasses three areas of broad research: sensors for robots, virtual reality and psychophysics. In recent years our research has focused on developing hardware and software which would allow a person to touch, hold, and feel a virtual object via a mechanical apparatus. The research activities converge in experimental research including the following three examples: mathematical modeling of human tactile sensing recognition mechanism; research on mobile robot cooperative behavior acquisition; and research on humanoid robot environmental data acquisition using tactile sensing.

Tactile sensing is a nonlinear phenomenon because of the contact problem. Furthermore, the brain's experience of tactile sensation is caused by a complex nonlinear system. Therefore tactile sensing relates closely to complex systems science. We expect that complex systems science will inform tactile sensing and vice versa. We pursue new discoveries via investigation of the relationship between tactile sensing and complex systems science. 

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Laboratory location@@Map


Graduate School of Information Science Building (Graduate School of Human Informatics, building number A4-3 on the map)


5th floor, room number 505 (Prof. Ohka)

5th floor, room number 511 (graduate students room)

6th floor, room number 628 (graduate students room)

2nd floor, room number 208 in Graduate School of Languages & Cultures Building A4-2(Laboratory)


Pamphlet of our lab. (April, 2007)


Graduate School of Informatics Building




Awards of International Conference

MIPE2015 Excellent Paper Award


International PRIDE Competition (2013-2014)

Champion of University/College category 



Publication of 'Frontier of Actuator Study'

We can learn everything about actuators through this book (in Japanese).

Click here.



Publication of 'Next-Generation Actuators Leading Breakthroughs'

New achievements about actuators are appeared in this book, which is written in English.

Click here.



Left: MIPE2015 Excellent Paper Award


Right: International PRIDE Competition (2013-2014) Champion of University/College category 

Awards of International Conference

MHS2017 Best Paper Award




Publication of 'Design of Robotic Tactile Sensors / Toward new robots, VR and haptic devices'

We can learn tactile sensors and haptic devices (in Japanese).



Left: MHS2017 Best Paper Award


Right: Design of Robotic Tactile Sensors 


@@§464-8601@Nagoya Chikusa-ku Furo-cho Nagoya University Graduate School of Informatics, Department of Complex Systems Science

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